Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Successfull Weekend! We raised almost $3000!!!

This weekend was a pretty great example of how easy it is to pull off a simple event or a "bigger" not so simple event.

On Friday, Hemlock Elementary School, approached the SOS committee with an idea to host a raffle at the Home and Garden Show. The H&G Show actually started on FRIDAY, so there wasn't a whole lot of time to prepare. They pitched their idea, received a donation for a rot-iron bike from Ace Hardware (LOVE THAT STORE) and then went to work. They connected with Emma Close to Home and set up the raffle and helped to spread the SOS message. After the H&G Show was over, they had raised $670!! The whole amount was donated to SOS! That is pretty amazing when you think about how simple and quick the whole thing was pulled together!

What a little more planning can do...

Callison Elementary School decided a couple of weeks ago that they wanted to host a Rummage Sale. They created a flier asking for donations and volunteers. On Friday their plans kicked into action. They had a truck driving around town picking up items for the sale, they had people dropping off truck loads of stuff and even a moving truck show up with a ton of stuff for the event. Volunteers showed up to help price things and to help layout the items. On Saturday, the Rummage Sale started and continued until Sunday. The event was amazing! They had furniture that didn't even last past the first few hours! On Sunday, when the totals were calculated they raised $2,205!!

Over all this weekend was FANTASTIC! We raised almost $3,000!!!!


Brigitte Aton left a little message on our Facebook Page - "The bookends of achieving our goals are decisions & discipline. Decisions help us start. Discipline helps us finish." Way to go team SOS. Lets keep our eyes on the goal!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome what work ladies....and how to make things happen!
