VUSD High School Students Plan a Social Media Blitz for the S.O.S. on May 18th
It’s all about the kids! The student leaders at Vacaville High School are asking everyone to pick an event (from the attached flyer) that they would like to attend and have them invite as many of their friends as they can via their choice of social media.....texting, fb, twitter, myspace, a phone call or even an actual written note. If they want to join our Facebook vusd sos fan page they will be able to share the message with a click. It's that easy!
VHS Principal, Ed Santapadre, responded with the following;
“I met with our Student Council group today and they were pretty excited about it. I think they’ll take the events and facebook them everywhere. I gave them compliments that we were too old to get it out there correctly.”
Like it or Not, social media is here to stay and as frustrating as it may be for teachers and administrators, its how we decide to respond that could make a difference on how the technology is used by students in the future. “Teaching By Example” is the tagline and is a core value for the VUSD. Cell phones are not allowed during class time, however students are allowed access during breaks and will do so on one day next week, please call Vaca High School (707)453-6011 or PJ Goodson 707-451-6422 x303 or go to for more information.
About S.O.S. (Support Or Students); a grassroots campaign developed and designed to bring awareness to the extreme crisis the Vacaville School District budget is in. Consisting of all of the schools PTA’s, PTO’s, PTC’s, school administrators, VPEF, community leaders, parents, residents of Vacaville, and the marketing expertise and support of Vacaville’s Landmark Image, S.O.S. has become one of the City’s leading awareness/fundraising campaigns. To see different ways to donate to S.O.S. visit the districts website at