Friday, April 2, 2010

Think about this....."shameless"

shame·less (shmls)adj.
1. Feeling no shame; impervious to disgrace.
2. Marked by a lack of shame: a shameless lie.


The other day we posted the following statement on our Facebook:

think about this.....We have had 1000 people look at our blog, IF each one of those people donated $10 think about how much money we would have? If each of those people got 10 family members to donate $10 too....hmmmmm....well the possiblilities are impressive. TEXT SOS to 25383 and make a difference!

Which sparked a comment stated as "shameless".....

That got me thinking. I am ASHAMED of the following:

1. I am ashamed that our government does not hold education in a higher regard.
2. I am ashamed that our STATE is taking $313/student away from our school district. (And that is just the start, they haven't finished the budget yet)
3. I am ashamed that more people do not think this is their problem.
4. I am ashamed that we have to tell our kids that they might not have music, sports, GATE, school buildings...etc.
5. I am ashamed that this problem has become so big that there aren't many options or solutions.
6. I am ashamed that our Kindergarten classes next year will be 30 or more kids per class.
7. I am ashamed that our teachers are faced with the burden of picking up the slack where our budget leaves off.

....well you get my point...I am ASHAMED of quite a bit....BUT

I AM NOT ASHAMED of the the follow:

I am not ashamed of being part of the solution to this monumental problem. I am not ashamed to ask those around me to help out our children. I infact, feel it is my responsibility to do all that I can to help. I know that some people will not be able to help monitarily, but I also know that there are plenty of people that can help. Asking people to donate $10 does not SHAME me, asking them to ask 10 family members or friends, does not SHAME me. Sitting back and doing NOTHING would make me feel shameful. I shameless....YES!

World Wide Autism Awareness Day - 4/2

I know most of the stuff that we post on here is about our SOS Fundraising campaign, and WITHOUT taking anything away from that, but in support of ALL the children in our community I thought it would be appropriate to share this.

I am a mother of a special needs child and although she does not have Autism we have MANY friends that do have Autism. In honor of these young people I thought I would take a minute and share that today is World Wide Autism Awareness Day! For more information please go here.

Autism affects 1 in 166 children and blue is the color people are wearing on this day to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day.


Local News Station Reports on Text Message Campaign

Channel 13 News Reported on the launch of OUR Text Message Fundraising Campaign.


The Vacaville Unified School District is the first in the country to use technology that lets parents send cash to their kid's school with their cell phone

You can donate by just writing a check, using a credit card or even giving over the Internet, now the Vacaville Unified School District is adding text to the list of possible ways to donate.

"I have seen many teachers that everybody loves and knows go because of budget cuts, and I'm very sorry about that and I wish we could have them back," said Patrick Anton, a student.

Vacaville Unified School District has already cut $17 million from its budget the past two years, that's why school leaders and parents had to get clever, throwing out the life preserver they call SOS = Support Our Students.

"I'm a part of this because we are creating a solution rather than running around complaining and throwing our hands up," said Rebecca Duvall, a mother of a student. "This is a solution to a very big problem."

Parents, children, and teachers hope people will text the slogan "SOS" to 25383. It sends a $10 donation to the district charged to your phone bill.

"If you can type, you can do texting," said a student.

It's so simple that children can donate.

This type of technology has been used to help out in recent disasters like Haiti. This time, some say the crisis is in the classroom. Parents and students hope to take the cash crisis out of the classroom with the touch of a button.

"But the texting, I think, is what's really going to inspire people and excite people, and I think that will bring in lots of new revenue that we haven't been able to tap before," said Vacaville Unified School District Superintendent John Aycock.

While Vacaville schools are still the only ones using text donations, some districts as far away as Chicago are now considering similar fundraising methods.

The district launched the SOS program this week, but, they'll only find out once a month how much cash is coming in.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

SNEAK PEEK!!! sshhhhhhh....Please tell EVERYONE!

If you are like me, you have been on Spring Break and away from the world....but last night I was able to check my email and found some amazing information that I just couldn't wait to share!

First, I just posted the information about The Nugget Grocery Store Supporting Our Students....The ease of doing to your grocery shopping and being able to donate as you check out is fantastic. You can donate as much as you want, $10, $20, $100.


On Monday, April 5th, our Text Messaging campaign rolls out! Look for 1500 lawn signs around town, posters, the BIG TOYOTA sign, AND well anywhere else we can put the texting information....


for all of our friends that follow this blog, follow us on Facebook or Twitter....we are going to unveil it to you TODAY!!!

TODAY you can donate via TEXT!!

Please try it yourself so you can see how it works.

Text SOS to 25383

IF you have never done it before put in the "To" field 25383 and then below put only "SOS" (without the" ")then send.

Nugget Grocery Store Supports OUR Students!!!

TODAY we begin the Nugget Market Fundraising Program. This program will run at least through the end of April. If funds are still being contributed steadily at the end of April we will have the opportunity to continue through the end of May. For those of you that haven't been to our local Nugget Market, it is located on the Browns Valley Parkway, just one block North of Interstate 80.

Please spread the word to your friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family members to look for the S.O.S. logo on signs at the checkout counters. Those signs will let people know how they can contribute when they checkout.

The fun part is how easy it is to contribute. All anyone needs to do is let their checker know how much they wish to donate to S.O.S. and that amount will be added to their bill. They can then pay their bill in whatever fashion (scrip, cash,credit card etc.) they choose. Their receipt will show the amount of the contribution for charitable donation/tax deduction purposes.

I personally want to thank Lee Majors for initiating this effort! Kate Stille and Jennifer Dowden at Nuggets Corporate office for everything they have done. Without Kate's enthusiastic support and Jennifer's follow-up on this project it never would have gotten off the ground in time.